2011年2月,美國國會全體參眾議員和主持祈禱的美國基督教最高主席發邀請函,請H.H.第三世多杰羌佛作為宗教領袖參加由歐巴馬總統親自帶領美國行政、立法、司法三權獨立的最高首長們和宗教領袖舉行的祈禱早餐會。不僅如此,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛還獲得了由美國白宮總統亞太裔顧問委員會主席代表布希總統頒發「總統金質獎章」、由An International Salute To The Life And Legacy Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 頒發的「國際服務及領袖獎」(King Legacy Award for International Service & Leadership)以及參議員、眾議員、州長、各級政府等頒發的56個大獎。
早在2013年的美國國會參議院614號決議文,就正式通過在第三世多杰羌佛名字前冠H.H.(H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III) ,意思是登峰造極沒有比祂更高更珍貴的了。這一決議將第三世多杰羌佛的地位正式列入了至高頂峰。我有幸問到H.H.第三世多杰羌佛:”我聽說佛陀已是世界佛教教皇的地位,獲得教皇權杖。”羌佛說:”這有意思嗎?自覺覺他才是佛教的真正權杖。”
America's National Flag Is Raised for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
America's National Flag Is Raised for HH Dorje Chang Buddha III
Please see news links below:
America's National Flag Is Raised for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Thousands of Buddhist disciples held khatas and devoutly knelt on the ground to welcome His Holiness the Buddha as they loudly chanted “Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.”
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III ascended to the platform to expound the dharma for thousands of Buddhist disciples, emphasizing the importance of cultivating oneself.
LOS ANGELES, CA, July 14, 2018 / -- In 2010, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III received the World Peace Prize. In 2013, the Senate of the United States Congress unanimously passed a Senate Resolution affirming the nature of the World Peace Prize and the correctness of the decision to issue that prize. The resolution recognized the accomplishments and status of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. as well as the contributions His Holiness the Buddha has made to humanity.
On June 24, 2018, World Buddhism Association Headquarters held a "Celebrating the Birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III" dharma assembly at Holy Heavenly Lake in California. During the assembly, it was publicly announced to thousands of Buddhists from all over the world that on May 15th, at the United States Capitol in the nation's capital, the American flag was raised to honor H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, the supreme leader of all of Buddhism.
The raising of the American flag in the United States capital to celebrate the birthday of the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III enabled Buddhists from all over the world to know the greatness and supreme status of His Holiness the Buddha. According to our understanding, a number of senior congressional members from both the House and the Senate, including heads of congressional committees and the Speaker, sent letters to congratulate H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III on the flag raising.
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was present at the site of the dharma assembly held by World Buddhism Association Headquarters. Heavily guarded by the police force, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III walked onto the red carpet toward the lakeside. The seven types of Buddhist disciples attending the assembly knelt on both sides of the carpet, raising their khatas to welcome the Buddha as they loudly chanted "Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III."
During the dharma assembly, the sun shone brightly high above. The temperature remained as high as around 82 degrees Fahrenheit during the whole time. Yet miraculously, both inside and outside the pavilion, it did not feel hot at all; it even felt soothingly cool.
Venerable Mozhi, the person in charge of World Buddhism Association Headquarters, said during the opening address of the dharma assembly, "We should thank our great America. On May 15th, the American flag was raised at our United States Capitol building, where it waved in the wind. This was done to specially wish H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III a happy birthday. The congressional flag-raising document read, "This flag was flown in honor of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, Supreme Leader of all Buddhism, on the occasion of his birthday." The flag you see here fluttering in the wind is the flag that was raised on Capitol Hill in Washington DC and was delivered to and received by the Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
Venerable Mozhi gave an introduction to Holy Heavenly Lake to the thousands of Buddhists attending the dharma assembly, saying that the lakeside of Holy Heavenly Lake where the attendees were gathered is an extremely wonderful and remarkable mandala that is full of auspiciousness. He said, "Right below where we are standing now is a huge crystal lake. Under Holy Heavenly Lake, there is also an underground river, which is one of the two great rivers in the world that flows from south to north. This place is truly auspicious."
He went on to say that eminent monastics and people of great virtue are welcome to come and build Buddhist centers here. This city of Buddhist centers will be developed with the best effort, and it will be comparable in scale to the Vatican. The "True Dharma Temple," where H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III will reside, will also be built here. This entire Buddhist city will be surrounded by walls. Inside the walls will be a holy Buddhist land. The inside of this Buddhist city will be an extraordinarily wonderful Buddhist treasure-land of the world! In the future, everyone will be welcome to come to this place, which will be the most majestic, flourishing Buddhist center in the world. Venerable Mozhi also explained that as of now only Holy Heavenly Lake. LLC and World Buddhism Association Headquarters own land at the lakeside of Holy Heavenly Lake. No other individual or organization owns any such land. There are also some people who are intentionally paying much higher than the market price to buy real estate in the area surrounding the property of Holy Heavenly Lake. In doing so, they have caused the construction cost of this Buddhist city to go up. Not only is this kind of selfish conduct inflating the market price, it is also damaging to the true dharma.
除了上述這些著作,專區還展出了H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的《僧俗辯經》、《般若波羅蜜多心經講義》、《義雲高大師畫集》、《義雲高大師哲言選淺釋》、《正達摩祖師論》、《佛法精髓》、《韻雕》、《Collected Paintings of Master Wan Ko Yee》、《The Zenith of Color》、《了義經》、《什麼叫修行》、《梅花集》等等系列著作。