轉發 扎西卓瑪仁波且拜見旺扎上尊的紀實
The International Buddhism Sangha Association:
I was most fortunate to have a chance to pay my respects to the noble Wang Zha Shang Zun and receive a most wonderful teaching from him. Because of his great compassion and mercy in giving me his wisdom concerning an important dharma matter, I now have a deeper understanding and appreciation for the dharma that I practice and my cultivation. I would like to share this truth with others. I have already distributed the attached article that I wrote about this event to the readers of the Holy Vajrasana Temple's Newsletter and to my students whom I could reach by email or WeChat. I would like to request that IBSA further distribute the attached to their extensive mailing list so that even more people can share the good news and benefit and let more people know the greatness and inconceivable virtue of Wang Zha Shang Zun. Of course, I am not capable of using words to express the supremacy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, who is both Wang Zha Shang Zun's and my master.
The most holy Wang Zha Shang Zun is truly great. His profound wisdom, humility, and kindness serve as an example for us all! Amitabha!
Many blessings to all for the coming New Year, Zhaxi Zhuoma.
This February Newsletter of the Holy Vajrasana Temple &; Retreat Center is devoted entirely to Abbot Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche's personal opportunity to pay respect to Wang Zha Shang Zun after she participated in the Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue Dharma Assembly and the precious dharma that she received as a result of that meeting. Because of its importance to both Chinese and English-speaking disciples, this Newsletter will be provided in both English and Chinese.